Using 8 high precision MEMS microphones placed in the four corners of your frame, ShotMarker precisely measures the point of impact and down-range velocity of each shot, so that you can analyze your groups for load development or shoot for score in competition.
- Seamlessly network up to 250 targets
- LoRa long range RF provides reliable wireless at any range
- Sensor area up to 8 meters fits any frame size
- Internal, rechargeable batteries run for multiple days
- Fast setup and tear-down maximizes your time behind the rifle
- Low cost replacement components
- Compatible with any phone or tablet with a web browser
- Compact and portable carrying case
Install a bracket to hold a sensor in each corner of your frame. Color coded sensors snap in with magnets and connect to the Sensor Hub using a standard 1/8" stereo audio cable which can be replaced and customized easily for length. One of the sensors is redundant, so if you shoot a sensor, the system will display a warning, keep working, and you can replace it later for $40.
The shockwave of your supersonic bullet is measured as it passes through the frame, and the Sensor Hub transmits the measurement using LoRa 900mhz RF to the firing line (433mhz in Europe).
LoRa is a very low power, long range wireless protocol meant for sending tiny amounts of sensor data over distances of up to 100 km. The use of this technology is the primary reason why ShotMarker supports up to 250 targets, the battery lasts 100 hours, and it can work at any distance, even without direct line of sight.
The sensors are capable of measuring each shot within 1mm, in ideal conditions. In practice, accuracy depends on physical factors, such as the straightness of the frame, the movement of the sensors, and the wind conditions.
With a well constructed, flat, and stable frame in light winds, average error should be within 2-3 mm. As winds increase, errors will increase, but so will the group size, and the shooter's ability to read wind changes, interpret feedback, and adjust.
This technology is designed first and foremost for F-Class competition shooting. We know what is needed and ShotMarker is a true solution. With an appropriate installation, errors will be statistically insignificant at any distance beyond 300 yards with a 6x6 frame, or within 300 yards on a 4x4 frame.
The Access Point provides a local WiFi network for up to 250 shooters, scorekeepers, spectators, and range staff at the firing line.
All targets on the range, up to 250, will connect automatically to the single Access Point on the range. Without needing to download an app, any mobile device with a web browser can select between, manage, and view any of the targets.
Whether you are running a large competition on 30 lanes or practicing by yourself, ShotMarker will work for you. The software is designed to be easy to use by shooters with no previous technical experience.